Metal Online: Out of Body

Getting inside someone’s head is a total invasion of privacy. Jason Black went a step beyond, by getting into her body.

The same tech used for total immersion VR can also record someone’s memories. And with a bit of not-so-legal tinkering, you can use it to snoop into someone’s past. Into someone’s mind. You can relive someone else’s life.

And it’s not a big deal that I had my first MtF body swap experience by inhabiting the body of a 19-years-old Russian lesbian. Right? It’s not like it was on purpose.

I mean… It was for a case. It was for a good reason. It’s okay to peak into a woman’s private life if she’s missing and you have to find her before it’s too late. Right? Right?!

Metal Online: Out of Body is the 10,000 words eight episode of a new LitRPG harem series. If you enjoy detective stories, fast-paced action, explicit sex, striking women, and the duality of virtual/real life, then you’ll love Blake Sky’s descent into a heavy metal infused cyberpunk neo-noir world.



This book is intended for mature audiences. Definitely not for children. It includes detailed depictions of sexual situations.


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