Metal Online: Into the Vixen’s Den

You haven’t seen a wild party like this.

My investigation leads me back to my employer, that sexy femme fatale out of old detective pulp.

It seems she’s been using me like a shmuck. Serves me right for trusting a great rack over my own gut. But when I go to face her, I find myself in an Eyes Wide Shut kind of party. Yeah, with the castle, and the rich dudes, and the young models and the masks.

Before I can confront her, she pushes me to join in some group activities with her concubines. Tempting, I’m not gonna lie. But why? What’s her angle? What’s the price?

Metal Online: Into the Vixen’s Den is the 10,000 words seventh episode of a new LitRPG harem series. If you enjoy detective stories, fast-paced action, explicit sex, striking women, and the duality of virtual/real life, then you’ll love Blake Sky’s descent into a heavy metal infused dark fantasy world.



This book is intended for mature audiences. Definitely not for children. It includes detailed depictions of sexual situations.


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